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My Year @WorldKidLit

One of the most exciting opportunities I’ve had this year has been the chance to write more for the WorldKidLit blog. I’m grateful to the entire team for giving me a space to write about some great events I’ve attended, books I’ve read, and writers I’ve met either in real life or through WorldKidLit. I’ll also give a special shout out to Claire Storey – thanks for encouraging me and nudging me to write about lots of fun stuff, especially the books and events around Africa!

So, here’s an overview of my year @WorldKidLit.

Be sure to check out the blog for lots of other recommendations, interviews, and publisher profiles from the rest of the team.


Workshop in Brussels, December 2019.






Translate This! KidLit from Cape Verde - edited with Claire Storey


Best of 2020: Young Adult – Contribution

What are your favourite children’s and YA books from around the world? Join in the conversation on the WorldKidLit blog here.

+32 (0) 498133309

©2021 Johanna McCalmont

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